Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Da Vinci Code Chapter 33-37
CHAPTER 33 Sophie's SmartCar tore through the diplomatic quarter, weaving past embassies and consulates, finally racing out a side street and taking a right turn back onto the massive thoroughfare of Champs-Elysees. Langdon sat white-knuckled in the passenger seat, twisted backward, scanning behind them for any signs of the police. He suddenly wished he had not decided to run. You didn't, he reminded himself. Sophie had made the decision for him when she threw the GPS dot out the bathroom window. Now, as they sped away from the embassy, serpentining through sparse traffic on Champs-Elysees, Langdon felt his options deteriorating. Although Sophie seemed to have lost the police, at least for the moment, Langdon doubted their luck would hold for long. Behind the wheel Sophie was fishing in her sweater pocket. She removed a small metal object and held it out for him. â€Å"Robert, you'd better have a look at this. This is what my grandfather left me behind Madonna of the Rocks.†Feeling a shiver of anticipation, Langdon took the object and examined it. It was heavy and shaped like a cruciform. His first instinct was that he was holding a funeral pieu – a miniature version of a memorial spike designed to be stuck into the ground at a gravesite. But then he noted the shaft protruding from the cruciform was prismatic and triangular. The shaft was also pockmarked with hundreds of tiny hexagons that appeared to be finely tooled and scattered at random. â€Å"It's a laser-cut key,†Sophie told him. â€Å"Those hexagons are read by an electric eye.†A key? Langdon had never seen anything like it. â€Å"Look at the other side,†she said, changing lanes and sailing through an intersection. When Langdon turned the key, he felt his jaw drop. There, intricately embossed on the center of the cross, was a stylized fleur-de-lis with the initials P. S. !†Sophie,†he said,†this is the seal I told you about! The official device of the Priory of Sion.†She nodded. â€Å"As I told you, I saw the key a long time ago. He told me never to speak of it again.†Langdon's eyes were still riveted on the embossed key. Its high-tech tooling and age-oldsymbolism exuded an eerie fusion of ancient and modern worlds. â€Å"He told me the key opened a box where he kept many secrets.†Langdon felt a chill to imagine what kind of secrets a man like Jacques Sauniere might keep. What an ancient brotherhood was doing with a futuristic key, Langdon had no idea. The Priory existed for the sole purpose of protecting a secret. A secret of incredible power. Could this key have something to do with it? The thought was overwhelming. â€Å"Do you know what it opens?†Sophie looked disappointed. â€Å"I was hoping you knew.†Langdon remained silent as he turned the cruciform in his hand, examining it. â€Å"It looks Christian,†Sophie pressed. Langdon was not so sure about that. The head of this key was not the traditional long-stemmed Christian cross but rather was a square cross – with four arms of equal length – which predated Christianity by fifteen hundred years. This kind of cross carried none of the Christian connotations of crucifixion associated with the longer-stemmed Latin Cross, originated by Romans as a torture device. Langdon was always surprised how few Christians who gazed upon†the crucifix†realized their symbol's violent history was reflected in its very name:†cross†and†crucifix†came from the Latin verb cruciare – to torture. â€Å"Sophie,†he said,†all I can tell you is that equal-armed crosses like this one are considered peaceful crosses. Their square configurations make them impractical for use in crucifixion, and their balanced vertical and horizontal elements convey a natural union of male and female, making them symbolically consistent with Priory philosophy.†She gave him a weary look. â€Å"You have no idea, do you?†Langdon frowned. â€Å"Not a clue.†â€Å"Okay, we have to get off the road.†Sophie checked her rearview mirror. â€Å"We need a safe place to figure out what that key opens.†Langdon thought longingly of his comfortable room at the Ritz. Obviously, that was not an option. â€Å"How about my hosts at the American University of Paris?†â€Å"Too obvious. Fache will check with them.†â€Å"You must know people. You live here.†â€Å"Fache will run my phone and e-mail records, talk to my coworkers. My contacts are compromised, and finding a hotel is no good because they all require identification.†Langdon wondered again if he might have been better off taking his chances letting Fache arrest him at the Louvre. â€Å"Let's call the embassy. I can explain the situation and have the embassy send someone to meet us somewhere.†â€Å"Meet us?†Sophie turned and stared at him as if he were crazy. â€Å"Robert, you're dreaming. Your embassy has no jurisdiction except on their own property. Sending someone to retrieve us would be considered aiding a fugitive of the French government. It won't happen. If you walk into your embassy and request temporary asylum, that's one thing, but asking them to take action against French law enforcement in the field?†She shook her head. â€Å"Call your embassy right now, and they are going to tell you to avoid further damage and turn yourself over to Fache. Then they'll promise to pursue diplomatic channels to get you a fair trial.†She gazed up the line of elegant storefronts on Champs-Elysees. â€Å"How much cash do you have?†Langdon checked his wallet. â€Å"A hundred dollars. A few euro. Why?†â€Å"Credit cards?†â€Å"Of course.†As Sophie accelerated, Langdon sensed she was formulating a plan. Dead ahead, at the end of Champs-Elysees, stood the Arc de Triomphe – Napoleon's 164-foot-tall tribute to his own military potency – encircled by France's largest rotary, a nine-lane behemoth. Sophie's eyes were on the rearview mirror again as they approached the rotary. â€Å"We lost them for the time being,†she said,†but we won't last another five minutes if we stay in this car.†So steal a different one, Langdon mused, now that we're criminals. â€Å"What are you going to do?†Sophie gunned the SmartCar into the rotary. â€Å"Trust me.†Langdon made no response. Trust had not gotten him very far this evening. Pulling back the sleeve of his jacket, he checked his watch – a vintage, collector's-edition Mickey Mouse wristwatch that had been a gift from his parents on his tenth birthday. Although its juvenile dial often drew odd looks, Langdon had never owned any other watch; Disney animations had been his first introduction to the magic of form and color, and Mickey now served as Langdon's daily reminder to stay young at heart. At the moment, however, Mickey's arms were skewed at an awkward angle, indicating an equally awkward hour. 2:51 A. M. â€Å"Interesting watch,†Sophie said, glancing at his wrist and maneuvering the SmartCar around the wide, counterclockwise rotary. â€Å"Long story,†he said, pulling his sleeve back down. â€Å"I imagine it would have to be.†She gave him a quick smile and exited the rotary, heading due north, away from the city center. Barely making two green lights, she reached the third intersection and took a hard right onto Boulevard Malesherbes. They'd left the rich, tree-lined streets of the diplomatic neighborhood and plunged into a darker industrial neighborhood. Sophie took a quick left, and a moment later, Langdon realized where they were. Gare Saint-Lazare. Ahead of them, the glass-roofed train terminal resembled the awkward offspring of an airplane hangar and a greenhouse. European train stations never slept. Even at this hour, a half-dozen taxi sidled near the main entrance. Vendors manned carts of sandwiches and mineral water while grungy kids in backpacks emerged from the station rubbing their eyes, looking around as if trying to remember what city they were in now. Up ahead on the street, a couple of city policemen stood on the curb giving directions to some co nfused tourists. Sophie pulled her SmartCar in behind the line of taxis and parked in a red zone despite plenty of legal parking across the street. Before Langdon could ask what was going on, she was out of the car. She hurried to the window of the taxi in front of them and began speaking to the driver. As Langdon got out of the SmartCar, he saw Sophie hand the taxi driver a big wad of cash. The taxi driver nodded and then, to Langdon's bewilderment, sped off without them. â€Å"What happened?†Langdon demanded, joining Sophie on the curb as the taxi disappeared. Sophie was already heading for the train station entrance. â€Å"Come on. We're buying two tickets on the next train out of Paris.†Langdon hurried along beside her. What had begun as a one-mile dash to the U. S. Embassy had now become a full-fledged evacuation from Paris. Langdon was liking this idea less and less. CHAPTER 34 The driver who collected Bishop Aringarosa from Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport pulled up in a small, unimpressive black Fiat sedan. Aringarosa recalled a day when all Vatican transports were big luxury cars that sported grille-plate medallions and flags emblazoned with the seal of the Holy See. Those days are gone.Vatican cars were now less ostentatious and almost always unmarked. The Vatican claimed this was to cut costs to better serve their dioceses, but Aringarosa suspected it was more of a security measure. The world had gone mad, and in many parts of Europe, advertising your love of Jesus Christ was like painting a bull's-eye on the roof of your car. Bundling his black cassock around himself, Aringarosa climbed into the back seat and settled in for the long drive to Castel Gandolfo. It would be the same ride he had taken five months ago. Last year's trip to Rome, he sighed. The longest night of my life. Five months ago, the Vatican had phoned to request Aringarosa's immediate presence in Rome. They offered no explanation. Your tickets are at the airport.The Holy See worked hard to retain a veil of mystery, even for its highest clergy. The mysterious summons, Aringarosa suspected, was probably a photo opportunity for the Pope and other Vatican officials to piggyback on Opus Dei's recent public success – the completion of their World Headquarters in New York City. Architectural Digest had called Opus Dei's building†a shining beacon of Catholicism sublimely integrated with the modern landscape,†and lately the Vatican seemed to be drawn to anything and everything that included the word†modern.†Aringarosa had no choice but to accept the invitation, albeit reluctantly. Not a fan of the current papal administration, Aringarosa, like most conservative clergy, had watched with grave concern as the new Pope settled into his first year in office. An unprecedented liberal, His Holiness had secured the papacy through one of the most controversial and unusual conclaves in Vatican history. Now, rather than being humbled by his unexpected rise to power, the Holy Father had wasted no time flexing all the muscle associated with the highest office in Christendom. Drawing on an unsettling tide of liberal support within the College of Cardinals, the Pope was now declaring his papal mission to be†rejuvenation of Vatican doctrine and updating Catholicism into the third millennium.†The translation, Aringarosa feared, was that the man was actually arrogant enough to think he could rewrite God's laws and win back the hearts of those who felt the demands of true Catholicism had become too inconvenient in a modern world. Aringarosa had been using all of his political sway – substantial considering the size of the Opus Dei constituency and their bankroll – to persuade the Pope and his advisers that softening the Church's laws was not only faithless and cowardly, but political suicide. He reminded them that previous tempering of Church law – the Vatican II fiasco – had left a devastating legacy: Church attendance was now lower than ever, donations were drying up, and there were not even enough Catholic priests to preside over their churches. People need structure and direction from the Church, Aringarosa insisted, not coddling and indulgence! On that night, months ago, as the Fiat had left the airport, Aringarosa was surprised to find himself heading not toward Vatican City but rather eastward up a sinuous mountain road. â€Å"Where are we going?†he had demanded of his driver. â€Å"Alban Hills,†the man replied. â€Å"Your meeting is at Castel Gandolfo.†The Pope's summer residence? Aringarosa had never been, nor had he ever desired to see it. In addition to being the Pope's summer vacation home, the sixteenth-century citadel housed the Specula Vaticana – the Vatican Observatory – one of the most advanced astronomical observatories in Europe. Aringarosa had never been comfortable with the Vatican's historical need to dabble in science. What was the rationale for fusing science and faith? Unbiased science could not possibly be performed by a man who possessed faith in God. Nor did faith have any need for physical confirmation of its beliefs. Nonetheless, there it is, he thought as Castel Gandolfo came into view, rising against a star-filled November sky. From the access road, Gandolfo resembled a great stone monster pondering a suicidal leap. Perched at the very edge of a cliff, the castle leaned out over the cradle of Italian civilization – the valley where the Curiazi and Orazi clans fought long before the founding of Rome. Even in silhouette, Gandolfo was a sight to behold – an impressive example of tiered, defensive architecture, echoing the potency of this dramatic cliff side setting. Sadly, Aringarosa now saw, the Vatican had ruined the building by constructing two huge aluminum telescope domes atop the roof, leaving this once dignified edifice looking like a proud warrior wearing a couple of party hats. When Aringarosa got out of the car, a young Jesuit priest hurried out and greeted him. â€Å"Bishop, welcome. I am Father Mangano. An astronomer here.†Good for you.Aringarosa grumbled his hello and followed his host into the castle's foyer – a wide- open space whose decor was a graceless blend of Renaissance art and astronomy images. Following his escort up the wide travertine marble staircase, Aringarosa saw signs for conference centers, science lecture halls, and tourist information services. It amazed him to think the Vatican was failing at every turn to provide coherent, stringent guidelines for spiritual growth and yet somehow still found time to give astrophysics lectures to tourists. â€Å"Tell me,†Aringarosa said to the young priest,†when did the tail start wagging the dog?†The priest gave him an odd look. â€Å"Sir?†Aringarosa waved it off, deciding not to launch into that particular offensive again this evening. The Vatican has gone mad.Like a lazy parent who found it easier to acquiesce to the whims of a spoiled child than to stand firm and teach values, the Church just kept softening at every turn, trying to reinvent itself to accommodate a culture gone astray. The top floor's corridor was wide, lushly appointed, and led in only one direction – toward a huge set of oak doors with a brass sign. BIBLIOTECA ASTRONOMICA Aringarosa had heard of this place – the Vatican's Astronomy Library – rumored to contain more than twenty-five thousand volumes, including rare works of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Secchi. Allegedly, it was also the place in which the Pope's highest officers held private meetings†¦ those meetings they preferred not to hold within the walls of Vatican City. Approaching the door, Bishop Aringarosa would never have imagined the shocking news he was about to receive inside, or the deadly chain of events it would put into motion. It was not until an hour later, as he staggered from the meeting, that the devastating implications settled in. Six monthsfrom now! he had thought. God help us! Now, seated in the Fiat, Bishop Aringarosa realized his fists were clenched just thinking about that first meeting. He released his grip and forced a slow inhalation, relaxing his muscles. Everything will be fine, he told himself as the Fiat wound higher into the mountains. Still, he wished his cell phone would ring. Why hasn't the Teacher called me? Silas should have the keystone by now. Trying to ease his nerves, the bishop meditated on the purple amethyst in his ring. Feeling the textures of the mitre-crozier applique and the facets of the diamonds, he reminded himself that this ring was a symbol of power far less than that which he would soon attain. CHAPTER 35 The inside of Gare Saint-Lazare looked like every other train station in Europe, a gaping indoor- outdoor cavern dotted with the usual suspects – homeless men holding cardboard signs, collections of bleary-eyed college kids sleeping on backpacks and zoning out to their portable MP3 players, and clusters of blue-clad baggage porters smoking cigarettes. Sophie raised her eyes to the enormous departure board overhead. The black and white tabs reshuffled, ruffling downward as the information refreshed. When the update was finished, Langdon eyed the offerings. The topmost listing read: LYON – RAPIDE – 3:06 â€Å"I wish it left sooner,†Sophie said,†but Lyon will have to do.†Sooner? Langdon checked his watch 2:59 A. M. The train left in seven minutes and they didn't even have tickets yet. Sophie guided Langdon toward the ticket window and said,†Buy us two tickets with your credit card.†â€Å"I thought credit card usage could be traced by – â€Å"Exactly.†Langdon decided to stop trying to keep ahead of Sophie Neveu. Using his Visa card, he purchased two coach tickets to Lyon and handed them to Sophie. Sophie guided him out toward the tracks, where a familiar tone chimed overhead and a P. A. announcer gave the final boarding call for Lyon. Sixteen separate tracks spread out before them. In the distance to the right, at quay three, the train to Lyon was belching and wheezing in preparation for departure, but Sophie already had her arm through Langdon's and was guiding him in the exact opposite direction. They hurried through a side lobby, past an all-night cafe, and finally out a side door onto a quiet street on the west side of the station. A lone taxi sat idling by the doorway. The driver saw Sophie and flicked his lights. Sophie jumped in the back seat. Langdon got in after her. As the taxi pulled away from station, Sophie took out their newly purchased train tickets and tore them up. Langdon sighed. Seventy dollars well spent. It was not until their taxi had settled into a monotonous northbound hum on Rue de Clichy that Langdon felt they'd actually escaped. Out the window to his right, he could see Montmartre and the beautiful dome of Sacre-Coeur. The image was interrupted by the flash of police lights sailing past them in the opposite direction. Langdon and Sophie ducked down as the sirens faded. Sophie had told the cab driver simply to head out of the city, and from her firmly set jaw, Langdon sensed she was trying to figure out their next move. Langdon examined the cruciform key again, holding it to the window, bringing it close to his eyes in an effort to find any markings on it that might indicate where the key had been made. In the intermittent glow of passing streetlights, he saw no markings except the Priory seal. â€Å"It doesn't make sense,†he finally said. â€Å"Which part?†â€Å"That your grandfather would go to so much trouble to give you a key that you wouldn't know what to do with.†â€Å"I agree.†â€Å"Are you sure he didn't write anything else on the back of the painting?†â€Å"I searched the whole area. This is all there was. This key, wedged behind the painting. I saw the Priory seal, stuck the key in my pocket, then we left.†Langdon frowned, peering now at the blunt end of the triangular shaft. Nothing. Squinting, he brought the key close to his eyes and examined the rim of the head. Nothing there either. â€Å"I think this key was cleaned recently.†â€Å"Why?†â€Å"It smells like rubbing alcohol.†She turned. â€Å"I'm sorry?†â€Å"It smells like somebody polished it with a cleaner.†Langdon held the key to his nose and sniffed. â€Å"It's stronger on the other side.†He flipped it over. â€Å"Yes, it's alcohol-based, like it's been buffed with a cleaner or – †Langdon stopped. â€Å"What?†He angled the key to the light and looked at the smooth surface on the broad arm of the cross. It seemed to shimmer in places†¦ like it was wet. â€Å"How well did you look at the back of this key before you put it in your pocket?†â€Å"What? Not well. I was in a hurry.†Langdon turned to her. â€Å"Do you still have the black light?†Sophie reached in her pocket and produced the UV penlight. Langdon took it and switched it on, shining the beam on the back of the key. The back luminesced instantly. There was writing there. In penmanship that was hurried but legible. â€Å"Well,†Langdon said, smiling. â€Å"I guess we know what the alcohol smell was.†Sophie stared in amazement at the purple writing on the back of the key. 24 Rue Haxo An address! My grandfather wrote down an address! â€Å"Where is this?†Langdon asked. Sophie had no idea. Facing front again, she leaned forward and excitedly asked the driver,†Connaissez-vous la Rue Haxo?†The driver thought a moment and then nodded. He told Sophie it was out near the tennis stadium on the western outskirts of Paris. She asked him to take them there immediately. â€Å"Fastest route is through Bois de Boulogne,†the driver told her in French. â€Å"Is that okay?†Sophie frowned. She could think of far less scandalous routes, but tonight she was not going to be picky. â€Å"Oui.†We can shock the visiting American. Sophie looked back at the key and wondered what they would possibly find at 24 Rue Haxo. A church? Some kind of Priory headquarters? Her mind filled again with images of the secret ritual she had witnessed in the basement grotto ten years ago, and she heaved a long sigh. â€Å"Robert, I have a lot of things to tell you.†She paused, locking eyes with him as the taxi raced westward. â€Å"But first I want you to tell me everything you know about this Priory of Sion.†CHAPTER 36 Outside the Salle des Etats, Bezu Fache was fuming as Louvre warden Grouard explained how Sophie and Langdon had disarmed him. Why didn't you just shoot the blessed painting! â€Å"Captain?†Lieutenant Collet loped toward them from the direction of the command post. â€Å"Captain, I just heard. They located Agent Neveu's car.†â€Å"Did she make the embassy?†â€Å"No. Train station. Bought two tickets. Train just left.†Fache waved off warden Grouard and led Collet to a nearby alcove, addressing him in hushed tones. â€Å"What was the destination?†â€Å"Lyon.†â€Å"Probably a decoy.†Fache exhaled, formulating a plan. â€Å"Okay, alert the next station, have the train stopped and searched, just in case. Leave her car where it is and put plainclothes on watch in case they try to come back to it. Send men to search the streets around the station in case they fled on foot. Are buses running from the station?†â€Å"Not at this hour, sir. Only the taxi queue.†â€Å"Good. Question the drivers. See if they saw anything. Then contact the taxi company dispatcher with descriptions. I'm calling Interpol.†Collet looked surprised. â€Å"You're putting this on the wire?†Fache regretted the potential embarrassment, but he saw no other choice. Close the net fast, and close it tight. The first hour was critical. Fugitives were predictable the first hour after escape. They always needed the same thing. Travel.Lodging.Cash.The Holy Trinity. Interpol had the power to make all three disappear in the blink of an eye. By broadcast-faxing photos of Langdon and Sophie to Paris travel authorities, hotels, and banks, Interpol would leave no options – no way to leave the city, no place to hide, and no way to withdraw cash without being recognized. Usually, fugitives panicked on the street and did something stupid. Stole a car. Robbed a store. Used a bank card in desperation. Whatever mistake they committed, they quickly made their whereabouts known to local authorities. â€Å"Only Langdon, right?†Collet said. â€Å"You're not flagging Sophie Neveu. She's our own agent.†â€Å"Of course I'm flagging her!†Fache snapped. â€Å"What good is flagging Langdon if she can do all his dirty work? I plan to run Neveu's employment file – friends, family, personal contacts – anyone she might turn to for help. I don't know what she thinks she's doing out there, but it's going to cost her one hell of a lot more than her job!†â€Å"Do you want me on the phones or in the field?†â€Å"Field. Get over to the train station and coordinate the team. You've got the reins, but don't make a move without talking to me.†â€Å"Yes, sir.†Collet ran out. Fache felt rigid as he stood in the alcove. Outside the window, the glass pyramid shone, its reflection rippling in the windswept pools. They slipped through my fingers.He told himself to relax. Even a trained field agent would be lucky to withstand the pressure that Interpol was about to apply. A female cryptologist and a schoolteacher? They wouldn't last till dawn. CHAPTER 37 The heavily forested park known as the Bois de Boulogne was called many things, but the Parisian cognoscenti knew it as†the Garden of Earthly Delights.†The epithet, despite sounding flattering, was quite to the contrary. Anyone who had seen the lurid Bosch painting of the same name understood the jab; the painting, like the forest, was dark and twisted, a purgatory for freaks and fetishists. At night, the forest's winding lanes were lined with hundreds of glistening bodies for hire, earthly delights to satisfy one's deepest unspoken desires – male, female, and everything in between. As Langdon gathered his thoughts to tell Sophie about the Priory of Sion, their taxi passed through the wooded entrance to the park and began heading west on the cobblestone cross fare. Langdon was having trouble concentrating as a scattering of the park's nocturnal residents were already emerging from the shadows and flaunting their wares in the glare of the headlights. Ahead, two topless teenage girls shot smoldering gazes into the taxi. Beyond them, a well-oiled black man in a G-string turned and flexed his buttocks. Beside him, a gorgeous blond woman lifted her miniskirt to reveal that she was not, in fact, a woman. Heaven help me! Langdon turned his gaze back inside the cab and took a deep breath. â€Å"Tell me about the Priory of Sion,†Sophie said. Langdon nodded, unable to imagine a less congruous a backdrop for the legend he was about to tell. He wondered where to begin. The brotherhood's history spanned more than a millennium†¦ an astonishing chronicle of secrets, blackmail, betrayal, and even brutal torture at the hands of an angry Pope. â€Å"The Priory of Sion,†he began,†was founded in Jerusalem in 1099 by a French king named Godefroi de Bouillon, immediately after he had conquered the city.†Sophie nodded, her eyes riveted on him.†King Godefroi was allegedly the possessor of a powerful secret – a secret that had been in his family since the time of Christ. Fearing his secret might be lost when he died, he founded a secret brotherhood – the Priory of Sion – and charged them with protecting his secret by quietly passing it on from generation to generation. During their years in Jerusalem, the Priory learned of a stash of hidden documents buried beneath the ruins of Herod's temple, which had been built atop the earlier ruins of Solomon's Temple. These documents, they believed, corroborated Godefroi's powerful secret and were so explosive in nature that the Church would stop at nothing to get them.†Sophie looked uncertain. â€Å"The Priory vowed that no matter how long it took, these documents must be recovered from the rubble beneath the temple and protected forever, so the truth would never die. In order to retrieve the documents from within the ruins, the Priory created a military arm – a group of nine knights called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon.†Langdon paused. â€Å"More commonly known as the Knights Templar.†Sophie glanced up with a surprised look of recognition. Langdon had lectured often enough on the Knights Templar to know that almost everyone on earth had heard of them, at least abstractedly. For academics, the Templars' history was a precarious world where fact, lore, and misinformation had become so intertwined that extracting a pristine truth was almost impossible. Nowadays, Langdon hesitated even to mention the Knights Templar while lecturing because it invariably led to a barrage of convoluted inquiries into assorted conspiracy theories. Sophie already looked troubled. â€Å"You're saying the Knights Templar were founded by the Priory of Sion to retrieve a collection of secret documents? I thought the Templars were created to protect the Holy Land.†â€Å"A common misconception. The idea of protection of pilgrims was the guise under which the Templars ran their mission. Their true goal in the Holy Land was to retrieve the documents from beneath the ruins of the temple.†â€Å"And did they find them?†Langdon grinned. â€Å"Nobody knows for sure, but the one thing on which all academics agree is this: The Knights discovered something down there in the ruins†¦ something that made them wealthy and powerful beyond anyone's wildest imagination.†Langdon quickly gave Sophie the standard academic sketch of the accepted Knights Templar history, explaining how the Knights were in the Holy Land during the Second Crusade and told King Baldwin II that they were there to protect Christian pilgrims on the roadways. Although unpaid and sworn to poverty, the Knights told the king they required basic shelter and requested his permission to take up residence in the stables under the ruins of the temple. King Baldwin granted the soldiers' request, and the Knights took up their meager residence inside the devastated shrine. The odd choice of lodging, Langdon explained, had been anything but random. The Knights believed the documents the Priory sought were buried deep under the ruins – beneath the Holy of Holies, a sacred chamber where God Himself was believed to reside. Literally, the very center of the Jewish faith. For almost a decade, the nine Knights lived in the ruins, excavating in total secrecy through solid rock. Sophie looked over. â€Å"And you said they discovered something?†â€Å"They certainly did,†Langdon said, explaining how it had taken nine years, but the Knights had finally found what they had been searching for. They took the treasure from the temple and traveled to Europe, where their influence seemed to solidify overnight. Nobody was certain whether the Knights had blackmailed the Vatican or whether the Church simply tried to buy the Knights' silence, but Pope Innocent II immediately issued an unprecedented papal bull that afforded the Knights Templar limitless power and declared them†a law unto themselves†– an autonomous army independent of all interference from kings and prelates, both religious and political. With their new carte blanche from the Vatican, the Knights Templar expanded at a staggering rate, both in numbers and political force, amassing vast estates in over a dozen countries. They began extending credit to bankrupt royals and charging interest in return, thereby establishing modern banking and broadening their wealth and influence still further. By the 1300s, the Vatican sanction had helped the Knights amass so much power that Pope Clement V decided that something had to be done. Working in concert with France's King Philippe IV, the Pope devised an ingeniously planned sting operation to quash the Templars and seize their treasure, thus taking control of the secrets held over the Vatican. In a military maneuver worthy of the CIA, Pope Clement issued secret sealed orders to be opened simultaneously by his soldiers all across Europe on Friday, October 13 of 1307. At dawn on the thirteenth, the documents were unsealed and their appalling contents revealed. Clement's letter claimed that God had visited him in a vision and warned him that the Knights Templar were heretics guilty of devil worship, homosexuality, defiling the cross, sodomy, and other blasphemous behavior. Pope Clement had been asked by God to cleanse the earth by rounding up all the Knights and torturing them until they confessed their crimes against God. Clement's Machiavellian operation came off with clockwork precision. On that day, countless Knights were captured, tortured mercilessly, and finally burned at the stake as heretics. Echoes of the tragedy still resonated in modern culture; to this day, Friday the thirteenth was considered unlucky. Sophie looked confused. â€Å"The Knights Templar were obliterated? I thought fraternities of Templars still exist today?†â€Å"They do, under a variety of names. Despite Clement's false charges and best efforts to eradicate them, the Knights had powerful allies, and some managed to escape the Vatican purges. The Templars' potent treasure trove of documents, which had apparently been their source of power, was Clement's true objective, but it slipped through his fingers. The documents had long since been entrusted to the Templars' shadowy architects, the Priory of Sion, whose veil of secrecy had kept them safely out of range of the Vatican's onslaught. As the Vatican closed in, the Priory smuggled their documents from a Paris preceptory by night onto Templar ships in La Rochelle.†â€Å"Where did the documents go?†Langdon shrugged. â€Å"That mystery's answer is known only to the Priory of Sion. Because the documents remain the source of constant investigation and speculation even today, they are believed to have been moved and rehidden several times. Current speculation places the documents somewhere in the United Kingdom.†Sophie looked uneasy. â€Å"For a thousand years,†Langdon continued,†legends of this secret have been passed on. The entire collection of documents, its power, and the secret it reveals have become known by a single name – Sangreal. Hundreds of books have been written about it, and few mysteries have caused as much interest among historians as the Sangreal.†â€Å"The Sangreal? Does the word have anything to do with the French word sang or Spanish sangre – meaning ‘blood'?†Langdon nodded. Blood was the backbone of the Sangreal, and yet not in the way Sophie probably imagined. â€Å"The legend is complicated, but the important thing to remember is that the Priory guards the proof, and is purportedly awaiting the right moment in history to reveal the truth.†â€Å"What truth? What secret could possibly be that powerful?†Langdon took a deep breath and gazed out at the underbelly of Paris leering in the shadows.†Sophie, the word Sangreal is an ancient word. It has evolved over the years into another term†¦ a more modern name.†He paused. â€Å"When I tell you it's modern name, you'll realize you already know a lot about it. In fact, almost everyone on earth has heard the story of the Sangreal.†Sophie looked skeptical. â€Å"I've never heard of it.†â€Å"Sure you have.†Langdon smiled. â€Å"You're just used to hearing it called by the name ‘Holy Grail. ‘â€
Friday, August 30, 2019
Importance of Fashion
Fashion Is Important Fashion is a concept that has been around since the beginning of ages. The Neanderthals of the Stone Age used sewn animal skins to get protection from the harsh environmental factors. This simple body covering that people used then went on developing throughout time to suit the different climates and cultures of the world. However today fashion is seen as a form of adornment and moreover a way of life, especially for the young generation. Fashion is the first thing that happens each morning; we wake up put on a clean presentable outfit in which we would feel good o face the day.The term â€Å"bad hair days†are very real in today's world; people's days are ruined if they have bad hair or a bad outfit. This makes fashion an important factor in creating a successful day. The outward appearance is very often an essential factoring building confidence. For many, especially those of them in the business world don't feel good enough to face interviews, meetings and conferences if they are not satisfied with their appearance. Others, that is, teenagers who are the biggest fans of fashion consider fashion a cult and would always be updated about he latest trends and sport them around town.This way fashion has become a prominent affair in our lives. Different fashion conceitedness out a lot about the culture, environment, values, traditions and roots of a group of people and where they come from. In a few coo tries and governmental systems, they require people to dress in a particular way due to many reasons be it religion, culture, values etc. The I-JAKE itself can be cited as an example of such a country; though strictly not observed, we do see certain signboards at malls and other public areas requesting decent looting.Such is the scenario in most middle eastern countries. The most recent vogue is ethnic inspired modern wear. This is bring Eng up the early clothing styles of countries mixed with modern outfits to create a fusion of ages an d cultures. Another important aspect of fashion is that allows us to recognize nationalities through their dressed. A man in Candors will easily be recognized as an Arab, while an elegant silk Scare will speak Hindi and the elegant folds off Kimono displays Japan. This tells us that the way a person dresses speaks a lot.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Playstation 4 vs Xbox One
The year 2013 marked the new era of video game consoles. Sony and Microsoft, two heavyweight entertainment companies that are both fighting for the title of the best console. In one corner you have Sony’s Playstation 4 and in the other sits Microsoft’s Xbox one. Both of these are next generation consoles that use the latest technologies to give the gamer a better feel for the game that he or she plays. Both of these consoles are similar in a variety of ways but, for the similarities that they share they also contain many differences. Sony’s Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox one are both two powerful consoles but, are completely different from each other before I can one I need to compare the two. The Playstation 4’s console design is similar to the its predecessor on the outside sporting a similar sleek design scheme but, this is where the similarity ends. The ps4 uses a semi custom accelerated processing unit that combines a central processing unit and graphics processing unit all in one chip. This chip is used to amplify the power of the simulation and graphics on the console. The console also holds several chips that assist in its multitasking ability and can be utilized even while the system is in sleep mode. The ps4 houses a special audio chip that can be used to support in game chat ability among other players and supports in game mp3 streaming. The console comes with 8 gigabytes of GDDR memory and a bandwidth of 176 gigabytes a second which is sixteen times the amount the ps3 had. The ps4 will contain a bluray disc drive that reads discs at 6x CAV for a read speed of 27 megabytes a second. The ps4 boasts a massive 500 gb pre-installed memory that can be modified so that user can add more whenever he or she wishes. Like the rest of the latest gaming consoles the PS4 will have wireless connectivity; an Ethernet port will also be integrated into the system to for wired connections. The playstation 4 is also Bluetooth compatible. The ps4 will support HDMI cables recognizing up to 1080p isually. The system will also come bundled with a mono stero headset and a peripheral motion detection device, The Playstation Camera. This year’s model of the Playstation will mark the debut of a a radical change to dual shock controller, the DualShock 4. The DualShock 4, being the latest in the series of controllers is well more advanced than the previous three. The basics of the controller haven’t changed much over the years besides the addition of new buttons, func tions and capabilities. The Dual Shock 4 comes with a touchscreen pad on the back, a share button that will allow user to upload videos of their own gameplay experiences, a small built in mono speaker, and a lightbar that changes color to indicate which player is which and can be used by the ps4’s Playstation Camera to determine real life movement and depth of the player. Even the select and start buttons have been merged into a single button called, options. These features aren’t included on any other gaming controller available to the public. This controller even took an Emmy for best â€Å"Peripheral Development and Technological Impact of Video Game Controllers†by The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences on January 8, 2007. In the other corner of the ring, you have Microsoft’s new fighter, the Xbox One. The Xbox One is a gaming console and all around entertainment system. This year Microsoft has decided to move away from the PowerPC chip and is now utilizing an AMD processor in this new console. The Xbox One was built with heavy emphasis on the Kinect peripheral camera device and comes with numerous functions that use this device as well. Console users can hook up their cable boxes and watch live television through the gaming console. Xbox live, the consoles signature gaming service has also been improved. Gamers will have the ability to record live footage of their game play and be able to stream that footage to certain outlets or share it with their friends online. The Xbox one comes bundled with the Kinect motion camera device and the standard Xbox one controller. The kinect will play a much more important role on the Xbox One. The kinect will integrate with the Xbox One allowing users to use functions such as voice commands, it will have different hand motions for different functions, and the most critical part is, the Xbox one will not work without the kinect attached but, doesn’t need to enter a powered state just as along as its hooked up to the console. The Xbox One controller still has the same design as the original xbox but, will have a slightly different layout and features. The directional pad has been changed to a four-way design, the battery compartment has been made slimmer, the start and back buttons has been renamed menu and view respectively. The two triggers on the controller have been outfitted with a new feature as well. Both of the triggers have independent rumble motors called, Impulse Triggers, these Impulse Triggers allow video game developers to bring vibration to controllers independently. Now both of these consoles sound great right? They both come with amazing features and do amazing things. Both the PS4 and Xbox One come bundled with controllers and devices and have loaded these devices with many features. The Playstation 4 comes priced at $399. 00 USD, comes with a 500 gigabyte hard drive, a AMD 8-core jaguar processor, and 8 gigabytes of RAM. The Playstation camera comes separately from the gaming console. The PS4 is also Bluetooth compatible. The Xbox One and the included Kinect will be priced at $ 499. 00 USD, will have a 500 gigabyte hard drive, will have a custom 8 core chip built by microsoft, and is not Bluetooth compatible. The Kinect utilizes voice commands, can detect body and hand motions and can track up to 6 people at one time. Xbox one controllers have been designed to include vibration packs in the triggers. So as you can see these system both share similar functions, equipment, and hardware specs. One of the most obvious differences is the price with the PS4 priced at a hundred dollars cheaper than the Xbox one. If I or anyone else has interest in these gaming consoles and wishes to purchase one, this information would be needed to compare the two before I can make a decision.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Analysis of one of Humes arguments touching on the existence of God Essay
Analysis of one of Humes arguments touching on the existence of God - Essay Example Hume compares God’s (the Designer’s) created systems and the intended purpose on creation. In using the two characters, Cleanthes and Philo, Hume weigh both sides of the creator. Cleanthes supports the rationale of the Designer’s creations and attests that the designer is both never-ending and munificent in his creation. Both characters agree on one point that the Designer had a wise plan in his creation and that human suffering is evident in the world (Tweyman 84). However, in his work, it is evident that Hume inclines his arguments to Philo who argues that the Designer’s purpose was for human’s goodwill ought to eliminate the recurrent human suffering, and the conflicts between humans and other organisms. Cleanthes attempts to compare the designer’s intended purpose on the creation with that of machines shows the significance and interrelations of every aspect of creation in comparison to the roles various functional parts of a machine. However, Philo attacks Cleanthes’ hypothesis using a cause-effect approach and argues that the world designs do not uphold Cleanthes’ arguments (Tweyman 85). In his arguments to counter act Cleanthes’ beliefs on the Designer’s purpose on creation, Philo explains the unsatisfactory nature of both humans and animals and explains that the Designer ought to intervene since he is power is never-ending. As such, he argues that the creator’s purpose was that his creations could not be happy. At one point, Philo doubts the capability of the Creator’s ability to eliminate various evils of the world. Philo asserts that if the creator is willing to eliminate the evils and does endeavor to eliminate such evils, then he is powerless. He gives another assertion that if the Designer is capable of eliminating such crimes but does not do so, he ought to be malevolent. Conversely, Philo asserts that there ought to be no evils and human suffering if the Designer is both capacitated and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Research Proposal
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine - Research Proposal Example ell research, this paper proposes a framework for the formulation of guidelines towards the payment for the donation of eggs for embryonic stem cell production and research. Stem cells are naà ¯ve cells that have the capability of differentiating or developing into other types of cells in the body. Currently, many types of stem cells have been identified: embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells. Adult stem cells come from adult tissues like adipose, bone marrow, retina, muscle, heart; their main purpose is to repair and replace worn out tissues in which they were found. These cells are called multipotent because they can only differentiate into limited tissue types. Some adult stem cells can be induced to produce all types of tissues; these are called the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Although the potential of these cells is quite high, studies are still underway to understand how they can be utilized fully (Webb). The most studied and with the most potential are the highly controversial embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have two extraordinary properties that make them very medically useful. First, they are "pluripotent," with the capacity to become any type of the 200 specialized cells in the body; a heart-muscle cell that pumps blood, a cell in the retina of that sees light, an acid-producing cell in the stomach, or a brain cell that stores memories. Second, embryonic stem cells can keep dividing and making unlimited copies of themselves; an important property, since huge numbers of new cells may be needed to replace cells lost to disease. Embryonic stem cells, because of their ability to regenerate different tissue types, are thought by most scientists and researchers to hold potential cures for Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimers disease, heart disease, hundreds of rare immune system and genetic disorders, and many more. Over 100 million people suffer from diseases that
Enviromental Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Enviromental Problem - Essay Example They have incorporated efforts that advocate for environmental conservation techniques (Egan, 2003). This paper will talk about Community Supported Agriculture and how it works to tackle environmental problems. Community Supported Agriculture, at times referred to as Community Shared Agriculture, (CSA) is an optional, locally-based socio-economic replica of food and agriculture distribution (Groh, 1998). The organization is based in North America. CSA also refers to an association or network of individuals who have vowed to support or aid one or more local farms, with farmers and their clients sharing the benefits and risks of food production. CSA subscribers or members settle their debts at the beginning of the planting season for a share of the estimated harvest (Cone & Myhre, 2000). Once harvesting starts, they get weekly shares of fruits and vegetables, in a vegetable box scheme, as well as herbs, honey, cut flowers, dairy products, eggs and meat. The environment’s benefit, according to the organization, is quite fair (Local Harvest, 2012). The minimal transportation needed to transport food, and agricultural material locally is a substantial reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. CSA transportation of foodstuff, therefore, reduces the emission of toxic fumes into the environment (Local Harvest, 2012). A majority of CSA farmers also produce their food with no organic fertilizers or pesticides. This is because the organization advocates for natural production of food with as little chemicals as possible, and this limits the effect that chemicals have on the environment (Local Harvest, 2012). The human created nitrogen used as fertilizer for crops caters for 75% of human created nitrogen, which brings about eutrophication, substantially harming aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, the environment benefits indirectly through the exclusion of the farm’s need for financial support (Speth, 2008). Farm subsidies can encourage
Monday, August 26, 2019
Photosynethesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Photosynethesis - Essay Example 1). The name ‘photosynthesis’ (a chemical change process) is derived from Latin terminology, ‘formation of light’. The ‘formation of light’ process is important in the sustenance of the food chain in which â€Å"all human food energy and the food energy of many living organisms are directly or indirectly derived from the photosynthetic processes†(Gale Science, 2011, p. 1). For example, an organism (i.e. a cow) eats plants and, therefore, consumes the plant energy that was generated via photosynthesis; this is energy indirectly via photosynthesis. â€Å"Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy of light to produce carbohydrates and molecular oxygen, (O2) from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). 6CO2 + 6H2O – sunlight – C6H12O6 + 6O2 Virtually all ecosystems on earth depend on photosynthesis as their source of energy. Incredibly, all free oxygen on the planet, including atmospheric oxygen, originates fro m photosynthesis†(Robinson, 2009, p. 1). The following articles analyze and demonstrate current research on the topic of ‘photosynthesis’. Each is concerned with scientific research and measurable analysis of the photosynthetic processes. The test methods of certain scientific questions and studies offer unique theoretical insights, and interpretations of scientific methodologies. Article #1: â€Å"Comparing light-conversion efficiency of plants and manmade solar cells†by Durham, Sharon (2012). Agricultural Research. (60.1)7. In this scientific article written by researcher Sharon Durham (2012), the research study question is asked†¦ â€Å"When using light energy, how do manmade photo cells compare to a plant’s photosynthesis†? (Durham, 2012, p. 1). Explain what the scientist were testing During scientific inquiry, scientist from the Agricultural Research Service conducted a study in which comparisons were drawn between plant cells and photovoltaic cells – how efficiently each cell type converted sunlight into energy. The significance of purpose of the study was to find out how scientists and researchers â€Å"could improve plant photosynthesis – a critical first link in the global supply chain for food, fiber, and bioenergy production†(Durham, 2012, p. 1). Explain (briefly) how they tested it Scientists conducted detailed-oriented scientific methodology and measurement to compare plant cell and manmade solar cell photosynthetic processes. Research leader, Donald Ort, conducts scientific studies on photosynthesis from his field office – the ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit in Urbana, Illinois. According to Ort (2012), â€Å"scientists know that plants are not as efficient as manmade solar cells at converting light into energy. But there is a way of comparing the two systems more accurately. The study identified specific redesigns that hold excellent promise for impro ving efficiency†(Ort, 2012, p. 1). Researchers set comparison standards, first considering current technology then strategies for improvements. Explain what they found As noted by S. Durham (2012), â€Å"†¦comparing the two systems is a challenge. Although both processes harvest energy from sunlight, they use the energy in different ways. Plants convert the sun’s energy into chemical energy, whereas, solar cells produce electricity†(Durham, 2012, p. 1). Research scientist, Ort, points out†¦ â€Å"While, in context of our efficiency analysis, solar cells have a clear advantage compared to photosynthesis. There is a need to apply
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Human Resource Management - Essay Example The main argument is that the framework for a diverse workplace is contingent on the successful development of these three categories. The article indicates that the motivating and controlling factor for diversity in the workforce is the headquarters. In this way there is the recommendation to begin planning diversity at this stage and then extend it to subsidiary organizations. Diversity variables are also noted as an important notion in that they consider the changing nature of diversity based on region. The author indicates that multicultural teams are effective as the multiplicity of perspectives creates opportunities for increased innovation. To a large part the article downplays reasons against diversity, although there are a few instances. For instance, while multicultural teams may be good for innovation, it is also possible that the divergence of viewpoints and backgrounds causes increased troubles for collaboration. Ultimately I found this article insightful in the way that it attempted to establish a framework for implementing diversity in the workforce. Still, I believe that the article lacks the detail that is needed to truly enact change, as there will be different challenges for different labor environments. Linda Gravett’s article ‘Diversity Efforts Can Support Business Imperatives’ considers diversity in terms of diverse business operations. For instance, there is the indication that businesses that are able to expand into international markets receive a greater competitive advantage. The author also makes the point that for organizations to increasingly survive they must consider diversity as a strong part of their missions and values. This vision of diversity refers to establishing a workforce with diverse talents and skills. Gravett later relays a story about working in Japan. During this period she was tasked with conducting a training program for her organization. The students were Japanese and refrained
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Open v. Close source Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Open v. Close source - Essay Example The application, system or program development life-cycle is a terminology that is often used in information systems, software and systems engineering to refer to processes associated with planning, creation, testing as well as deployment of information systems. The life-cycle of the development process applies to various software and hardware configurations since a system can be made up of software only, hardware or a blend of both. The development life-cycle for computer programs uses two methods or approaches, which are different in many ways depending on their application and style of development. Developers often choose between these two approaches depending on the complexity of the programs they are developing and other uses associated with them. Under a close-source model, the source code used is not often made available to the general public. This software is taken care of by a team that develops and produces the software in an effective compiled-executable state after which the public is allowed to access and use. Koch (2005) explains that this model was pioneered with Microsoft, who used in the development of their Microsoft and Windows programs. Later, several other companies have emerged to prefer the approach in the development of their programs. One of the key features of the open source model is that it often allows for other users to make modifications to the source codes. However, it should be known that the source codes for products designed are not always open for the general public. Beydeda (2005), posits that some of the most common advantages associated with this model is that it enhances trust, teamwork, acceptance and quality. According to Beydeda, (2005), non-free licenses are often used in the process of limiting what is termed by free software movements as essential freedoms. For the closed source model, its license only gives
Friday, August 23, 2019
From world cities to gateway cities & Extending the boundaries of Coursework
From world cities to gateway cities & Extending the boundaries of Globalization theory - Coursework Example Still, there is a lack of attention paid to the cities with less number of populations than in the world’s largest cities. The crucial importance of Globalization theory in the modern context can be seen in its ability to transform the world’s society attitude to the gateway cities as potential global cities, but with their own cultural, political and economic potential. Thus, it is more interesting to discuss the way globalization causes a negative impact on â€Å"gateway cities†. This term, created by Grant (1999) and Grant and Nijman (2000) implies that any city may be a medium for economic, cultural and political relations exchange. Urban experience of the process of globalization has numerous peculiarities and it plays the same crucial role as the experience of the world’s cities (Short et al, 2000). The impact of globalization is evident is even in the small cities. Moreover, a process of globalization emerges in every city and influences on certain aspect of the cities. For example, Prague has been subjected to cultural globalization, Seattle, Sioux Falls were transformed into economic centers. A process of globalization is mediated by means of global cultural models.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Biomedical approach Essay Example for Free
Biomedical approach Essay The Biomedical approach includes the administration of various pharmacological agents which can be utilized to treat various mental disorders. It is usually administered for short durations in combination with psychotherapy. It brings back to normal the various chemical substances that are present in the brain (neurotransmitters). When the neurotransmitter levels are normal, the effect of psychotherapy would be better. The biomedical approach can be utilized to treat various psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, etc (MINDD Foundation, 2008). The psychodynamic approach includes various theories that utilize the internal drives and forces that may be present in the individual (some of which may be unconscious), to ensure that the individual can undergo a psychological change and get to better control over several problems. It is effectively utilized in pain management. Psychodynamics is considered to be the interaction of the id, ego and the superego so as to satisfy ones needs (which play an important role in the development of the personality). The psychodynamic approach was developed by the followers of Sigmund Freud. This approach gives greater consideration to the unconscious motives that affect behavior, emotions and feelings. The behavior of adults is strongly affected by the childhood motives (Simply Psychology, 2009). The humanistic-existential approach concentrates on the motivations and the needs of the individual and is similar to the psychoanalytical theory. This therapy focuses greater on the free will of the individual rather than on obstructing human nature. This is one of the major differences that are present between humanistic-existential and psychoanalytical approach. It also tends to concentrate greater on solving the problem rather than the problem itself (University of Hawaii, 2008). Cognitive and behavior therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that involves determining and sorting out improper thoughts (that may be associated with depression), solving various problems and improving the problem-solving skills, and ensuring that people are able to engage in more enjoyable activities (that can ensure that the individual learns about potentially rewarding activities and performs them in the future) (University of Michigan, 2006). Reference Simply Psychology (2008). Psychodynamic Approach, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site: http://www. simplypsychology. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk/psychodynamic. html The MINDD Foundation (2008). The Biomedical Approach, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site: http://mindd. org/s/archives. php/48-Biomedical-Treatments. html The University of Hawaii (2008). The Biological Paradigm, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site: http://www2. hawaii. edu/~heiby/overheads_%20paradigms. html University of Michigan Depression Center (2006). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site: http://www. med. umich. edu/depression/cbt. htm
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Exporting and the Export Contract Translation Into Vietnamese Essay Example for Free
Exporting and the Export Contract Translation Into Vietnamese Essay The first reason is that the contract contains and covers all the terms which the two parties have come to the agreement. This means that any external document has to be expressly incorporated into the contract. Besides, This is to prevent any ambiguity about the status of any earlier agreements or understandings. Both parties shall only base on the contract to perform their obligations. The last point is to prevent any disagreements and dispute arsing from the difference between the previous drafts and the contract so that the contract can be immediately executed for both parties’ sakes ? A contract normally includes wording the following elements: †¢An entire agreement statement: a statement in the contract that the parties agree that the terms of the contract between them are to be found within the text of the contract document and nowhere else. All entire agreement clauses include this element †¢An exclusion of liability for misrepresentation: most entire agreement clauses include one or more of the following: An acknowledgment by the parties that they have not relied on any representation which is not set out in the contract; A statement excluding liability for misrepresentation
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Purpose and Benefits of Classroom Observation
The Purpose and Benefits of Classroom Observation Classroom observation is a process by which the institute of nursing-Academic Support Person(ASP) sits in on one or more classroom sessions, records the instructors teaching practices and student actions, and then meets with the instructor to discuss the observations. The main purpose behind the classroom observation is to allow a teacher to get feedback from an objective, experienced observer and to involve in context-specific discussions about teaching with adviser. The observation should not be an endorsement for promotion and tenure, a judgment of the teachers teaching methods, styles and skills, or an assessment of the teachers knowledge of disciplinary content. It is purely developmental rather than intimidation and making decisions. Classroom observation has been used many years ago to evaluate the quality of teaching provided and the consistency between the curriculum plan and the actual delivery of the material by teachers. Wagg (1999) stated that the purpose of looking at implementation is to see whether there is mismatch between intention and strategies. Classroom observation has constantly been seen as an effortful task from the side of the teachers. Negative attitudes have been expressed from several teachers venting their disappointment about the process by which observation has been implemented. This feeling of unhappiness and dissatisfaction is not a product of today; it is possibly an aggregation of many years of authoritarian, impressionistic, and impartial models of supervisions with teachers feeling of little ownership. Because the observer has a great role in renewing the teachers contracts, they had to conform to the supervisors viewpoints .This is considered an exceptional limitation of the obser vation process. Diverse research revealed that the way teachers behave in the classroom and the instructional methods they use impact the degree students learn. Consequently, using classroom observations, educators and investigators are capable of providing feedback that may improve the teaching practices in the class. Hopkins (2002) considers that the motivation behind any school observation is not limited to classroom research only but it extends to the professional development of teachers. This is because of the many years of observations that contemporary educationalists agreed to desert through time the conventional recitation lesson (Wragg 1999). Clearly, different forms observations encompass different criteria. These criteria may be comprehensive or specific. Some observation forms may focus on the students behavior while others may seek out the response of teachers to such behaviors. According to Hopkins (2002), there are four methods of observation: open, focused, structured, and systematic. Each method needs special instrument. . Observation tools are forms that are to be filled out by the observer. Depending on the observation technique, some forms or instruments may simply be a blank sheet, a worksheet, a scale, checklists, computer software, or a tally sheet. Some observers may be affected by the setting in which the lesson takes place and may focus on some particular feature of the teaching of one specific subject, like science or English. This in turn may influence whether they adopt a quantitative style, which is a type of systematic approach; counting and recording of individual events, or a qualitative method, wh ich is a type of the open observation approach, trying to look behind and beneath the mere frequencies (wragg 1999). Furthermore, there are many observations tools used by teachers on their classes or in peer observation settings (Malamah-Thomas 1987, Wajnryb 1992). Such instruments are powerful developmental tools for teachers and for trainees advisors, allowing both to look at the lesson systematically in conjunction with the feedback from advisors. Therefore, teachers and observers must perceive the instruments similarly to avoid misinterpretations and predispositions of the items within the tools. At the level of the ION, instructors have expressed the issue of the perception of the observation tool many times. In addition to the way the classroom observation is conducted. However, the questions that continue to irritate my colleagues and leave them preoccupied with an answer to them are that, do all classroom observers perceive and interpret the same observation items within the checklist in the same wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦?Is there any problem in the observation methods? This actually urges me to investigate these issues in the Institute of Nursing (ION) to find out any discrepancies in the understanding of the observation checklists and or any defect in the observation process. To pursue the task appropriately, the advisors will not be participated in any other job but collecting data. Randall and Thornton (2005) refer to an advisor who has no other than to observe and take notes as a non-participant observer (Gebhard and Oprandy 1999). As the name designates, this kind of observation requires the observer not to engage in any interaction with the individuals being observed. Instead, the observer should concentrate on a particular behavior a specific criterion (Wragg, 1999, Hopkins 1999, 2002). For an observer, it is very important to avoid preconceptions and afterward approach whatever is to be observed with an open mind (Wragg 1999). Due to its direct involvement with the individuals observed, observation does have a benefit; however, it is time-consuming (Robson, 2002). Pre-judgments and predispositions may also produce troubles with observation. Such troubles may lead to misinterpretation of the data being collected (Brophy Good 2003). Therefore, the observer should avoid any personal biases that may contaminate his/her results. In this small scale study, the entire process of observation, from the instrument used by the observer to different stages of teacher observation, was totally decided by the observer and the investigator. The terms observer and advisor will be used interchangeably. Background The United Arab Emirates (UAE) encompass three institutes of Nursing (ION) located in Sharjah, Ras ELkhaimeh and Fujairah Emirates and they are governed by the Ministry Of Health (MOH).According to the policy, the ION has an observation system performed by three persons: the Central Academics Coordinator (CAC), Academic Support Person (ASP)and the Branch Manager(BM). The class room observation is held two times per semester and as needed. One observation is announced and the other is unannounced. At the level of each ION; the observation responsibility is delegated to the ASP. In case the teacher observation result was unsatisfactory, the CAC will be called to reobserve the same teacher within two weeks of the unsatisfactory observation but can also observe those with satisfactory outcomes. The BM does a spot check from time to time on the ongoing of the teaching process. The three observers use the same observation instrument and it is qualititative (open methods) in nature where ob servation bias can sometimes significantly affect the result. The session Appraisal form is composed of 29 items focusing on two areas of classroom practices: Effective Questioning (8 items), Effective Teaching Practices (21 items). These items are marked as, Accomplished, Partially accomplished, and Not accomplished. The final result is either satisfactory or unsatisfactory (Appendix 2). The adopted teaching methodologies are cased-based and lecture-based, depending on the course. Most of the teachers at the ION are well experienced and hold master degree. I have been working as a senior nursing tutor for the last seven years in the ION. It happened more than once a teacher got two or more different feedbacks from the observers. The teachers always blame the observers for their inconsistency in the understanding of the observation items and in the way the observation is conducted. The majority of the tutors wonder whether a difference should be there while using the same observation checklist and the same observation methods. The investigator will try to answer this question and orient the teachers to the findings. Research Questions Is there a significant difference in the perception of the same observation items within the instrument used by the different advisors in the ION? Is there any defect in the observation process? Purpose The investigator will try to: Find out any discrepancies in the observation tool among the observers. Identify the drawbacks of the observation method. Report to the curriculum committee and teachers these inconsistencies (if any). Observation Methods Classroom observation is a collaborative process. Both the teacher being observed and the observer have vital roles before, during, and after the observation. Collaborating at each phase of the process can help put both participants at ease so that each benefits from the experience (University of Washington 1998). Classroom observation is conducted through three phases that were adapted from Day (1993) and Richards and Lockhart (1994) were: pre-observation meeting, observation phase, and post-observation follow-up phase. The researcher will be use the ION designated tool during the observation process. (Fig 1). Pre-conference phase is executed before the classroom observation. The purpose of this meeting to share information that helps both the instructor and observer prepare for the observation and to illuminate the explicit outcomes of the lesson observed. It also aims at clarifying the activities through which these outcomes will be attained. Information exchanged during this meeting includes overall process of the evaluation, the purpose of the observation, course information, lesson plan, instructional objective(s) , class activities, instructional methods, What you want the observer to pay attention to, Where youd like the observer to sit , what will happen during the observation, and observation follow up opportunities. This phase does not take place in the ION. The second stage of the process is the observation phase (Data Collection) or the execution of lesson. The ION observers gather information to be discussed latter with the tutor. These data include instructor doing/saying, students doing/saying, instructional methods, teacher-students interaction, and flow of the sessionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. Generally, the ASP will use a checklist tool designed for this purpose of classroom observation (Appendix 2). The observers, unlike the traditional supervisors who usually sit at the back and document the classroom events, sit where they can have a good view of the class. Analysis of the collected data and preparing for the post-conference take place immediately, next to the observation, it is suggested that observers code the data checked in their notes. Identify information that links to the following: Organization and presentation of the lesson, level of student concentration, interactions, and participation, the quality of interpersonal relationships between the teacher and students, effectiveness of instruction and how instruction could be improved. The third stage is the post-conference phase or follow-up. Shortly after the observation, the advisors emphasize the positive areas of the observation process such as the strengths of the lesson. The teacher will be asked to evaluate and reflect on his lesson at first. Then, the observers will discuss the collected data with the teacher. It is a descriptive stage where the observers describe the various phases of the lesson. The observers during this phase ask probing questions that guide the teacher through the process. They also provide direct feedback on the areas the teacher has asked for in the pre-observation conference. In doing so, many of the areas for improvement are originally stated by the teachers because they had a chance to reflect on their teaching. Figure Observation Cycle: Adapted from: (2004). Validity and reliability in observation It is essential that observation is as objective as expected and advisors must be mindful of their own interests and predispositions so that the data gained is as valid and reliable as conceivable and not designated to verify a point (CCC 2004). Observers customarily continue-the-spot notes to complete an observation schedule so that any extra or uncommon actions can be noted. For example A come into the class and talked to teacher, this interrupted classroom for 3 minutes; Fire alarm rang at 2.24pm so the class was shorter today than usual. Field notes are often written post assessment and the advice is to do this as early as possible. Robson (2002) proposes that you should never begin a second class observation before sorting out your records for the first one Practice in utilizing a schedule before the actual observation will assist the observer to settle uncertainties in how to employ it or how to record unforeseen or vague data. Reliability of observation will originate from appraiser consistency. Appraisers have to make sure that they make parallel decisions about similar situations on diverse events. They must also take similar decisions about similar events if they see or hear them again; say on video or audio tape. Preferably, having more than one appraiser observing the same events, at least in initial practice sessions, so that there can be agreement on what is going on and how it is to be coded. The two observers at the ION were aware of these points to ensure the validity and reliability of the class supervision. Limitation of the study It is worthy to mention that the scope of this study is limited to a group of teachers of Nursing in Fujairah campus in an educational zone. Therefore generalization of the study might not be possible. Literature review Even though the classroom observation is seen as a crucial element of each educational system, researchers have found that teachers were not satisfied with the observation process. The main reasons researchers found were judgmental, evaluative nature of observation, authoritative role of observers and prescriptive nature of feedback (Akbari and Tajik 2007). Wang and Seth (1998) found out that classroom observation has gained a negative reputation in the ELT profession because of its subjective, judgmental, and ill-defined nature. Many instructors resent being observed at short notice by important people who judge their performance according to their own, not necessarily appropriate criteria, and make unwelcome suggestions for change. It seems as if these inspectors have the final word on whether their performance is good or bad, right or wrong. In many situations the observers enter the classes to look at the teachers performances to decide at the end of the academic year who will continue in his/her job or not. Certainly, this perception places teachers under too much stress which negatively impacts their performance in classroom. Randall and Thornton (2001) believed that anxiety levels in the lesson execution phase can become very high and can precipitate failure on the side of the teacher to generate an effective lesson (Fig 2). Figure 2: The effect of anxiety on performance (adapted from Randall and Thornton, 2001) Regarding the process of the classroom observation in the UAE, Alwan (2001) find out that the instructors in the UAE are acquainted with the observation; yet, it does not take the systematic approach that would increase the achievements for the teachers. Consequently, such ad-hoc appraisal practices can simply yield extensive teacher anxiety, a lack of belief in the validity of the observation, and a delicate discouragement of other institutional initiatives to sustenance teachers efforts to deliver courses effectively (Murdoch, 2000). Nevertheless, classroom observation should be intended at enhancing professional growth of the teacher rather than threatening them. It should also focus on the strengths of the lesson. The tutors and through their dealings with the students will recall which areas delivered in a good manner and the ones that require revisiting. It is valuable to point out that the advisors role is to explore with the teachers so that they have the chance to reflect on their own teaching with the expectation that this approach will turn into a fundamental part of the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it changes into a reflection in action process that is conducted during the teaching learning process. Schon (1983) explained this reflective process by saying: Both ordinary people and professional practitioners often think about what they are doing, sometimes even while doing it. Stimulated by surprise, they turn thought back on action and on the knowing which is implicit in actionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦usually reflection on knowing-in-action goes together with reflection on the stuff at hand. (Schon, 1 989) Therefore, classroom observation is getting more importance than before. The purpose of many of them is intended towards professional development. It is through experiential learning that the tutors will be self-evaluative and hence will be capable of reflecting on their teaching strategy. Heron (cited in Randall and Thornton 2001) said that working from experience the client (the teacher) is prompted to uncover incidents which are important, reflect on these incidents and to discover new meanings for these incidents, and then prepare to put the learning from experience and reflection back into new experience. Finally, it is of merit to mention that teachers teach many lessons of which only few of them are observed. Accordingly, If the observed lessons are considered valuable and worthy to be observed then they must be regarded as worthy to be analyzed appropriately, for little purpose was served if, after a lesson, observers simply exude good will, mumble vaguely or appear to be uncertain why they are there, or what they should talk about (Wragg, 1999). Methodology To inquire about teachers dissatisfaction with the overall observation process, a two phase qualititative study was conducted. In the first phase, the observation instrument revisited to see whether the observers perceive its item similarly or not. In the second phase, a questionnaire was distributed to all ION teachers in an attempt to evaluate the method of observation conducted there. Ethical Considerations The ethical considerations were carefully considered before conducting the study. A permission letter was sent to the concerned people to consent them. Anonymity and confidentiality of teachers responses guaranteed (Appendix 3). Part I: Procedures and Participants Two observers visited Diploma I class to assess a teacher teaching Nursing Care of Adults 201.One of the observers is the ASP whose tenure is 11 years and the other is a critical friend who holds a master degree in education and has 10 years of teaching experience. Both are familiar with the observation tool. This approach was used to explore inconsistencies in the perception of the observation items within the specified from. They were informed about the process; they should sit at different corners in the back of the class (Fig 5), do not speak to each other, and fill in the appraisal form the way they perceive it with an evidence for each partially or not accomplished item. Data Analysis At the end of the classroom observation the researcher collected the two filled forms and sit with the two observers to discuss the findings. The data analyzed by utilizing simple statistics, and tables. Results The two forms were collected, and it was found that two items were uneven where each tutor has his own perception. Class Subject Observer 1 Observer 2 Session Time Teaching Method Diploma 1 Nursing Care of Adults/Hyperthyroidism Academic support person, 11 years teaching Experience Critical Friend, more than 10 years teaching 50 minutes Case-based The mismatched items were two out of 29 items; the two items were located under the Effective Teaching practices. See table below: Finding of first observer marked as (1) and (2) for the second Effective Teaching practices Accomplished Partially Accomplished Not Accomplished 26. Asks students to evaluate their own or others responses. 2 1 29. Demonstrate the ability of dealing with problem students 1 2 Observers Justification First observer 26. Asking student to evaluate and reflect on the answers given, getting feedback from classmates should be done frequently in the case based session as this would involve the students in the class and enhance their understanding. This should be observed as a dominant feature in the session and not only once or two. 29. The students were enthusiastic, motivated and participating actively, it was loud voice but not noise, but you have to ask students to lower their voices to hear their classmates .Raising their hands without calling Sirà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Is fair enough. Second observer 26. Students were fairly able evaluate their answers and that was done with two students only. As for the responses of their colleagues; the students were called more than once to reflect on their answers when the teacher asked them: 1) Do you agree with S? Why? 2) Why did M relate the presence of excessive eating to weight loss? Comment on her answer. Although, the teacher tried with them, the students were not able to evaluate their responses. 29. Loud voice from the side of the students will disturb the learning environment preventing the others from hearing the answers, the teacher tried to control students noise particularly when they gave answer together, but he could not. Abiding by the classroom norms is the responsibility of the teacher. Setting clear guidelines should be made to limit this behavior. At the back of the session appraisal form there is a room left for the appraisers comment to reflect and set the areas that need improvement on points that are not covered clearly in the observation form but should be part of the lesson or he may emphasize certain points seen in the class. The first observer A) Group work: The teacher should give more time (more than 10 minutes) for the group work to allow the students to prepare and discuss the task properly among them as the task given require deep analysis. Moreover, the teacher should ensure that all the students are participating in the discussion within the group. Checking group work output is not necessary to be done with each group, as far one or two groups were investigated, then the other groups could be done if required by the judgment of the tutor. The Second observer A) Group work: Ten minutes for each task is fair enough as the students should come prepared from their home. The time is given only for discussion and preparing the transparency. Giving more time will waste the teacher time and hinder his ability to cover the course objectives. Group work output was not explored: teacher has to reveal all group findings and seek evaluation or comments from other groups. The first observer B) Teaching strategy The teacher should implement various teaching strategies in the classroom such as role play, watching and commenting on videos to promote students understanding, involvement and make the session interesting. The Second observer B) Teaching strategy The session was quite interesting. According to the task discussed in the session, role play or video would not be effective as the demonstrations used by the teacher plus the clinical examples and the real life examples given by some students were satisfactory to cultivate the different concepts in the sessions. Discussion One method for analyzing the observation findings of the two observers is through triangulation. Triangulation in the classroom research involves checking the perceptions of more than one person to see if ones own interpretations have any support Wragg (1999:111).The total number of the items in the observation checklist is 29, and the debatable points were 2. Then, the agreement was around 93% and disagreement in 7%, which means that the instrument used is reliable. When the observers agree on > 80% of their observation, this means the information and the data are reliable Wragg (1999). It is believed that different style dimensions of learning of the observer may have a possible influence on providing feedback to the teacher. (Randall and Thornton 2001:134). The first observer, the academic support person, conducted more than four observations to the observed teacher, and knows him better than the second colleague. Hence, he built his feedback on his previous knowledge of the learning style of the observed teacher and provided the feedback in a consultative rather than confronting approach, The students were enthusiastic and participating actively, it was loud voice, but not noise, but you have to remind students to lower their voice to hear their colleagues . Part II Procedure: The participants filled a qualititative questionnaire of seven questions (Appendix I). The questionnaire was piloted before being administered. A total of eleven questionnaires were administered through face to face contact with the investigator. Ten of them were collected and analyzed. Participants The participants in this study were ten teachers of Nursing in one of IONs. They have been teaching in the ION for more than 7 years. Those teachers have been observed by three different observers using the same tool. The teachers are male and females and range in age from 36 to late 54. They majority of them are native Arabic speakers from different countries and two teachers are westerns. They are of multi-cultural background. Data Analysis The responses to the questionnaire were gathered and then analyzed. The responses were calculated using simple statistics and presented in charts. Results of the Questionnaire Items No. of Teachers Percentage I have been observed two times by the ASP 8 80% I have been observed three times, two by the ASP and once by the CAC 2 20% I felt anxious and blocked when the observer visited my class 10 100% I am dissatisfied with way I observed. I did not meet with the observer before the session 10 100% The observer was sitting in the back, ticking on the observation form. 7 70% The observer did not tell the students who he is, creating unstable setting in the class. 7 70% The late feedback does not reflect the immediate feedback. 8 80 % The observation is not intended at teacher development. 9 90% The feedback is threatening if it is unsatisfactory. 9 90% Classroom observation does not fulfill my educational need 7 70 Classroom observation has no impact whether negative or positive. 2 20% Classroom observation partially fulfill my educational need 1 10% Discussion Obviously, there are no defects in the observation instrument. So, where is the problem? The result of the questionnaire provided to ten teachers revealed that the problem is in the observation process itself. The majority of the tutors (80%) have been observed two times per semester by the ASP whereas the remaining 20 % were observed three times by the ASP and the CAC (table 1). All the teachers (100%) expressed various levels of frustration and anxiety when they are observed. They assured that the observers themselves were a source of apprehension. Teachers added that none of the observers take an action to alleviate their anxiety. All the tutors (100%) expressed their feelings of dissatisfaction with the observation methods as no pre observation conference is conducted neither before the announced or the unannounced visits. This puts more stress on the side of the observees. Furthermore, 70% of the teachers mentioned that the way the observer enters and sits at the back of the cla ss ticking items on a checklist. This disrupts the stability of the classroom environment as the students perceive that he is observing them making them reluctant to answer and participate in the class effectively which in turn impact the execution of lesson. This is because the observer did not identify himself to the students as well as the purpose of being there. Moreover, he sits in the corner of the class and started to document his notes all the time. Accordingly, the students think that he is writing about them. Another significant point raised by 80 % of the teacher is the feedbacks given by the observers. They confirm that the immediate feedback provided is inconsistent with the late feedback received by the teachers. The striking issue was the perception of the 90% of the teachers for the session appraisal as a threat rather than developmental (Fig 3).Teachers feels intimidated and frightened by the entire supervisional process. This is because the models of observation we inherited are authoritarian and directive. All these factors combined their effects to increase teachers anxiety and dissatisfaction. When teachers asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the process of observation, 70% considered it unsatisfactory as it does not fulfill the educational needs of the teacher and did not enhance their teaching methods, 20% were neutral and 10% was fairly satisfied( Fig 4). This necessitates reconsideration of the overall observation process. Number of teachers Frequency of observations Percentage 8 2 80% 2 3 20% Table Frequency of observation Figure 3 Perception of classroom observation Figure 4 Satisfaction level Recommendations: Based on the findings of this Investigation, the investigator recommends certain points to enhance the process of the classroom observation. Having a pre-observation conference will guide the observers during the observation phase and will ease the teachers level of anxiety that result from the process in the part of the teachers. This will also assist the discussion that takes place in the post-observation conference. The professional teacher is one who is able to reflect critically on their own practice (Schon 1983, Wallace 1991). Accordingly the overall process will promote refl
Descriptive Essay - The Baseball Diamond -- Descriptive Essay, Descript
The Baseball Diamond Many people don't understand the point in playing baseball. Why would someone swing a stick, hit a ball, and try to get back to where they started before the ball returns? What pleasure is there in that? Why not participate in a sport like wrestling or track where there is an obvious level of individual improvement and therefore pleasure. Well, I play baseball because of the love I have for the sport, and because of the feeling that overwhelms me every time I walk onto a baseball field. When I walk onto a field I am given the desire to better myself not only as an athlete, but also as a person. The thoughts and feelings I get drive me to work hard towards my goals and to be a better person. The most relevant example of these feelings is when I stepped on the field at Runyon Complex in Pueblo, Colorado during our high school state playoffs in 2003. This baseball field will always be an important place to me. It was two hours before our anticipated game against Manitou Springs, the second ranked team in the state. As I walked through the brick arches I heard nothing but honking traffic from blocks away. I got an eerie feeling when I saw all the smoke coming out of industrial factories, and noticed that no one else was there; I felt like I was in a ghost town. Our team started to go on to the field that we would be playing on to observe the differences in it. As I walked through the gate leading to the field, I was awestruck. It seemed as though this field was the only place in this strange neighborhood privileged enough to receive light from the blazing sun; standing on the field made it seem as though the creepy town had disappeared. The feeling overwhelmed me as I saw the flawless grass outfield and th... ...gout echoed with yells and high pitched whoops. The announcer began announcing our team to start the introduction for the game. Since I was the lead-off batter, my name was echoed over the park first. It was at this time that the feeling elevated; the feeling that makes every baseball field so special. As my teammates yelled for me, while I ran to the nearest baseline and faced the crowd, the feeling gave me goose bumps and raised the hairs on the back of my neck. The feeling is so amazing that it will keep me playing baseball for as long as possible because it makes my love for the sport that much more. I can't even begin to explain the complex feeling I get when I walk on a baseball field, but that feeling will always be cherished and hopefully when I pass on my love of baseball to others, they will too understand what that special diamond makes me feel like.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Contagiousness of Violence Essay -- Holocaust, Hitler, Jews
The Holocaust is one of the most researched atrocities of recent History; there are many atrocities that one can research, why the Holocaust? Because along with being a horrific event in human history, it’s also a testament to the strength of the survivors, and a testament to the Horrors that Hitler began. This period in history can be separated into two major parts; the persecution of the Jewish people, and the extermination of all undesirables, which constituted mostly of Jews. Often times when researching the Holocaust you hear about Hitler and his villainy, but he was only part of the problem. This Paper intends to compare the arguments presented by Saul Friedlander in Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945 The Years of Extermination and Peter Longerich in the Holocaust the Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews; the paper will examine the contagiousness of violence, hatred, and prejudice that the Germans and the occupied territories participated in between 1933 and 1945 of Hitler’s Nazi Regime. Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945 the Years of Extermination begins the examination into the Holocaust by looking at the person who nurtured and strengthened the anti-Semitic feelings in Germany, and subsequently Europe, Adolf Hitler. Under Hitler’s Germany there was the essence of a political religion that is the devotion Germany felt for his cultural, and political goals is comparable to one’s faith in God. He had absolute loyalty, he ruled with fear, propaganda, and his personality; the key detail in his political rise to power is the externalizing of blame. â€Å"in Hitler’s views the Jews were first and foremost an active (Eventually deadly) threat†(Friedlander 16) he saw the Jews as the root of all evil, behind all the detrimental... ...edlander examines is prevalent in Longerich’s assessment of German control of Soviet occupied territories, the only difference that exist between the two is the detail, Friedlander briefly covers the situation while Longerich dedicates and entire section just to the murder of the Jewish men and then the next to the escalation from just the men to all Jews. The paper thus far has covered Hitler as the catalyst for the infection that took a hold of Europe, then the spread of his atrocious views to the German populace, its disastrous involvement in Poland and soviet territories. Now the paper will cover the extermination of the European Jew. Up until this point the events weren’t part of the Final Solution to the Jewish question only the propaganda, fear, and hatred that the Nazi regime spread along with their infectious views of the Jewish population in Europe.
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